Oliver 7th July 2016

You have always been a special person in my life. This was evident right from the moment when you taught me how to tie my shoelaces at your house in Dedham. "Nana's special knot" (and by the way I still haven't forgot it! :D ) Just like how I haven't forgot the memories we have shared together over the years in Bucks Farm, France and the big villa in Mallorca. Nana Viv you have touched my life in so many ways and I will always be grateful. I will never be able to do certain things without thinking of you such as tie my shoe laces, read a Wilfred Owen poem or visit our favourite shopping mall Braintree Freeport. Katie once told me of a conversation you had on the way back from grandad's 80th in Ipswich. You said I would always have a place in your heart, well the feeling is mutual Nana because you will always have a special place in mine.